TI哪些型号被关注? TI热门产品型号
  • 制造厂商:TI
  • 产品类别:无线连接
  • 技术类目:低于 1GHz 产品
  • 功能描述:低功耗低于 1GHz 无线收发器
  • 点击这里打开及下载CC1101的技术文档资料
  • TI代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格

CC1101 is a low-cost sub-1 GHz transceiver designed for very low-power wireless applications. The circuit is mainly intended for the ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) and SRD (Short Range Device) frequency bands at 315, 433, 868, and 915 MHz, but can easily be programmed for operation at other frequencies in the 300-348 MHz, 387-464 MHz and 779-928 MHz bands.

The RF transceiver is integrated with a highly configurable baseband modem. The modem supports various modulation formats and has a configurable data rate up to 600 kbps.

CC1101 provides extensive hardware support for packet handling, data buffering, burst transmissions, clear channel assessment, link quality indication, and wake-on-radio.

The main operating parameters and the 64- byte transmit/receive FIFOs of CC1101 can be controlled via an SPI interface. In a typical system, the CC1101 will be used together with a microcontroller and a few additional passive components.

The CC1190 850-950 MHz range extender [21] can be used with CC1101 in long range applications for improved sensitivity and higher output power.

  • RF Performance
    • High sensitivity
      • –116 dBm at 0.6 kBaud, 433 MHz, 1% packet error rate
      • –112 dBm at 1.2 kBaud, 868 MHz, 1% packet error rate
    • Low current consumption (14.7 mA in RX, 1.2 kBaud, 868 MHz)
    • Programmable output power up to +12 dBm for all supported frequencies
    • Excellent receiver selectivity and blocking performance
    • Programmable data rate from 0.6 to 600 kbps
    • Frequency bands: 300-348 MHz, 387-464 MHz and 779-928 MHz
  • Analog Features
    • 2-FSK, 4-FSK, GFSK, and MSK supported as well as OOK and flexible ASK shaping
    • Suitable for frequency hopping systems due to a fast settling frequency synthesizer; 75 μs settling time
    • Automatic Frequency Compensation (AFC) can be used to align the frequency synthesizer to the received signal centre frequency
    • Integrated analog temperature sensor
  • Digital Features
    • Flexible support for packet oriented systems; On-chip support for sync word detection, address check, flexible packet length, and automatic CRC handling
    • Efficient SPI interface; All registers can be programmed with one "burst" transfer
    • Digital RSSI output
    • Programmable channel filter bandwidth
    • Programmable Carrier Sense (CS) indicator
    • Programmable Preamble Quality Indicator (PQI) for improved protection against false sync word detection in random noise
    • Support for automatic Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) before transmitting (for listen-before-talk systems)
    • Support for per-package Link Quality Indication (LQI)
    • Optional automatic whitening and de-whitening of data
  • Low-Power Features
    • 200 nA sleep mode current consumption
    • Fast startup time; 240 μs from sleep to RX or TX mode (measured on EM reference design [1] and [2])
    • Wake-on-radio functionality for automatic low-power RX polling
    • Separate 64-byte RX and TX data FIFOs (enables burst mode data transmission)
  • General
    • Few external components; Completely on-chip frequency synthesizer, no external filters or RF switch needed
    • Green package: RoHS compliant and no antimony or bromine
    • Small size (QLP 4x4 mm package, 20 pins)
    • Suited for systems targeting compliance with EN 300 220 (Europe) and FCC CFR Part 15 (US)
    • Suited for systems targeting compliance with the Wireless MBUS standard EN 13757-4:2005
    • Support for asynchronous and synchronous serial receive/transmit mode for backwards compatibility with existing radio communication protocols
  • Improved Range using CC1190
    • The CC1190 [21] is a range extender for 850-950 MHz and is an ideal fit for CC1101 to enhance RF performance
    • High sensitivity–118 dBm at 1.2 kBaud, 868 MHz, 1% packet error rate–120 dBm at 1.2 kBaud, 915 MHz, 1% packet error rate
    • +20 dBm output power at 868 MHz
    • +27 dBm output power at 915 MHz
    • Refer to AN094 [22] and AN096 [23] for more performance figures of the CC1101 + CC1190 combination
  • Reduced Battery Current using TPS62730
    • The TPS62730 [26] is a step down converter with bypass mode for ultra low power wireless applications
    • In RX, the current drawn from a 3.6 V battery is typically less than 11 mA when TPS62730 output voltage is 2.1 V. When connecting CC1101 directly to a 3.6 V battery the current drawn is typically 17 mA
    • In TX, at maximum output power (+12 dBm), the current drawn from a 3.6 V battery is typically 22 mA when TPS62730 output voltage is 2.1 V. When connecting CC1101 directly to a 3.6 V battery the current drawn is typically 34 mA
    • When CC1101 enters SLEEP mode, the TPS62730 can be put in bypass mode for very low power down current
    • The typical TPS62730 current consumption is 30 nA in bypass mode.
    • The CC1101 is connected to the battery via an integrated 2.1 Ω (typical) switch in bypass mode
  • Protocols
  • Proprietary, Wireless M-Bus (T, S, C mode)
  • Frequency bands (MHz)
  • 300-348, 387-464, 779-928
  • TX power (Max) (dBm)
  • 12
  • Sensitivity (best) (dBm)
  • -116
  • RX current (lowest) (mA)
  • 14.3
  • Data rate (Max) (kbps)
  • 500
  • Rating
  • Catalog
  • Operating temperature range (C)
  • -40 to 85


CC1101RGP,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:QFN (RGP)-20,包装数量MPQ:92个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-260C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CC1101RGP的批量USD价格:2.008(1000+)

CC1101RGPR,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:QFN (RGP)-20,包装数量MPQ:3000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-260C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CC1101RGPR的批量USD价格:1.673(1000+)

CC1101RGPT,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:QFN (RGP)-20,包装数量MPQ:250个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-260C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CC1101RGPT的批量USD价格:2.008(1000+)



SmartRF 收发器评估板 (TrxEB) 旨在与德州仪器 (TI) 的低功耗射频收发器搭配使用,从而开展评估、性能测试和软件开发。


  • CC1101EM*
  • CC11xLEM*
  • CC112xEM*
  • CC1175EM*
  • CC1200EM*
  • CC2500EM
  • CC2520EM

(*) 同时支持所有频率变化以及与 CC1190 的组合

此类评估模块可在 TI 商店中作为 EMK(评估模块套件)单独进行购买。

SmartRF TrxEB 有何用途?

  • 在 MSP430F5438A MCU 上开发无线电协议。请参阅相关收发器网页上的代码示例。
  • 通过 SmartRF Studio 来评估收发器的性能。
  • 将通过 (...)

CC-DEBUGGER — 用于射频片上系统的调试器和编程器

CC 调试器是用于 TI 低功耗射频片上系统的小型编程器和调试器。它可以与用于 8051(7.51A 或更高版本)的 IAR 嵌入式工作平台一起使用以进行调试,并可与 SmartRF 闪存编程器一起使用以进行闪存编程。CC 调试器还可用于控制 SmartRF Studio 中的所选器件。


This BoosterPack kit contains one "EM Adapter BoosterPack". The purpose of the EM adapter board is to provide an-easy-to-use bridge between any of the TI MCU LaunchPads and the wide variety of TI RF evaluation modules (EM), for instance the CCxxxx Low-Power RF evaluation modules. No specific (...)

CC1100 CC1101 CC1100E CC2500 Examples Libraries (Rev. F)

SmartRF 数据包监听器 2

SmartRF 数据包监听器 2 包括用于采集和显示通过无线电传输的数据包的软件和固件。相应的捕获设备通过 USB 连接至 PC。SmartRF 数据包监听器 2 支持 CC13xx 和 CC26xx 系列器件作为捕获器件,并使用 Wireshark 显示和过滤数据包。下表列出了支持的协议。

SmartRF 数据包监听器 2 包括以下组件:

  • PC 工具(SmartRF 监听器助手),用于配置捕获器件并与之通信
  • 可将 CC13xx 或 CC26xx Launchpad 用作捕获器件的固件
  • 固件源代码
  • 适用于 Wireshark 的解析器(IEEE 802.15.4ge 和 (...)


该工具用于完成使用 TI 无线器件的室内和室外射频链路的距离估算。室外计算基于视线 (LOS)。对于室内估算,可以选择介于 Tx 和 Rx 单元之间的建筑材料。Tx 和 Rx 单元之间复合材料的衰减越大,距离就越短。

3P-WIRELESS-MODULES — 第三方无线模块搜索工具

第三方无线模块搜索工具可帮助开发人员识别符合其终端设备规格的产品,并采购可立即投产的无线模块。搜索工具中包含的第三方模块供应商是独立的第三方公司,这些公司在利用 TI 无线连接产品设计和制造无线模块领域拥有深厚的专业知识。

SIMPLELINK-SUB1GHZ-DESIGN-REVIEWS — Hardware design reviews for SimpleLink™ CC1xxx devices

开始SimpleLink? 低于 1GHz 硬件设计审查流程:
  • 第 1 步:申请审查前,需查看相应产品页面上的技术文档和设计与开发资源(请参阅下面 CC1xxx 产品页面的链接)。
  • 第 2 步:填写申请表,开始审查流程。TI 专家将通过您提供的电子邮件地址直接与您联系,为您提供后续步骤。

在 SimpleLink 硬件设计审查流程中,您可与主题专家一对一沟通,专家会帮您审查设计并提供重要反馈。申请审查前,需查看相应产品页面上的技术文档和设计与开发资源。了解产品页面上的资源后,您可能无需申请设计审查。

申请审查低于 1GHz 硬件设计前,应在我们的 E2E 中文论坛上提交一般设计问题。


CC1110EM JTI Balun 868/915 MHz design files

该天线板参考设计包含多个低成本天线解决方案,适用于低于 1 GHz 及 2.4 GHz 近距离无线系统。


此 BoosterPack 套件包含一个“EM 适配器 BoosterPack”。此 EM 适配器板的目的是在任意 TI MCU LaunchPad 和各种 TI 射频评估模块 (EM)(例如 CCxxxx 低功耗射频评估模块)之间提供易于使用的电桥。不提供任何特定软件,因此,用户自行负责编写适当的代码以便连接 MCU 和射频器件。
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