- 制造厂商:TI
- 产品类别:逻辑和电压转换
- 技术类目:触发器、锁存器和寄存器 - 计数器
- 功能描述:具有 10 个解码输出的 CMOS 十进制计数器
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- TI代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格

CD4017B and CD4022B are 5-stage and 4-stage Johnson counters having 10 and 8 decoded outputs, respectively. Inputs include a CLOCK, a RESET, and a CLOCK INHIBIT signal. Schmitt trigger action in the CLOCK input circuit provides pulse shaping that allows unlimited clock input pulse rise and fall times.
These counters are advanced one count at the positive clock signal transition if the CLOCK INHIBIT signal is low. Counter advancement via the clock line is inhibited when the CLOCK INHIBIT siganl is high. A high RESET signal clears the counter to its zero count. Use of the Johnson counter configuration permits high-speed operation, 2-input decode-gating and spike-free decoded outputs. Anti-lock gating is provided, thus assuring proper counting sequence. The decoded output are normally low and go high only at their respective decoded time slot. Each decoded output remains high for one full clock cycle. A CARRY-OUT signal completes on cycle every 10 clock input cycles in the CD4017B or every 8 clock input cycles in the CD4022B and is used to ripple-clock the succeeding device in a multi-device counting chain.
The CD4017B and CD4022B types are supplied in 16-lead hermetic dual-in-line ceramic packages (F3A suffix), 16-lead dual-in-line plastic package (E suffix), 16-lead small-outline packages (NSR suffix), and 16-lead thin shrink small-outline packages (PW and PWR suffixes). The CD4017B types also are supplied in 16-lead small-outline packages (M and M96 suffixes).
- Fully static operation
- Medium speed operation…10 MHz (typ.) at VDD = 10 V
- Standardized, symmetrical output characteristics
- 100% tested for quiescent current at 20 V
- 5-V, 10-V, and 15-V parametric ratings
- Meets all requirements of JEDEC Tentative Standard No. 13B, "Standard Specifications for Description of ’B’ Series CMOS Devices"
- Applications:
- Decade counter/decimal decode display (CD4017B)
- Binary counter/decoder
- Frequency division
- Counter control/timers
- Divde-by-N counting
- For further application information, see ICAN-6166 "COS/MOS MSI Counter and Register Design and Applications"
- Function
- Counter
- Bits (#)
- 4
- Technology Family
- CD4000
- Supply voltage (Min) (V)
- 3
- Supply voltage (Max) (V)
- 18
- Input type
- Standard CMOS
- Output type
- Push-Pull
- Features
- Balanced outputs, Standard speed (tpd > 50ns), Positive input clamp diode
CD4017BE,工作温度:-55 to 125,封装:PDIP (N)-16,包装数量MPQ:25个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:N/A for Pkg Type,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CD4017BE的批量USD价格:.107(1000+)
CD4017BM,工作温度:-55 to 125,封装:SOIC (D)-16,包装数量MPQ:40个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CD4017BM的批量USD价格:.293(1000+)
CD4017BM96,工作温度:-55 to 125,封装:SOIC (D)-16,包装数量MPQ:2500个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CD4017BM96的批量USD价格:.126(1000+)
CD4017BNSR,工作温度:-55 to 125,封装:SO (NS)-16,包装数量MPQ:2000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CD4017BNSR的批量USD价格:.112(1000+)
CD4017BPW,工作温度:-55 to 125,封装:TSSOP (PW)-16,包装数量MPQ:90个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CD4017BPW的批量USD价格:.293(1000+)
CD4017BPWR,工作温度:-55 to 125,封装:TSSOP (PW)-16,包装数量MPQ:2000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网CD4017BPWR的批量USD价格:.158(1000+)

14-24-LOGIC-EVM — 支持 14 到 24 引脚 PW、DB、D、DW、NS、DYY 和 DGV 封装的通用逻辑 EVM
该 EVM 设计用于支持采用 14 至 24 引脚 D、DW、DB、NS、PW、DYY 或 DGV 封装的任何逻辑器件。
PMP11112 — 6V-16V 输入四相同步升压转换器音频放大器 (25V@24A) 参考设计
此 600W 四相同步升压转换器通过 6V - 16V 输入提供 25V/24A 输出。借助四相运行方式,使用的输入和输出电容器更少,并通过表面贴装组件实现更佳的热平衡。PMP7969 — 用于汽车功率放大器的 600W 同步多相升压转换器
PMP7969 是一种非常高效的 4 相升压控制器,可以与外部时钟同步。由于具有减相功能,因此具有出色的轻负载效率。同步整流器也可提高效率。与单相相比,通过多相可以获得高效开关频率,均流准确度为 ±10%。当输入电压大于输出电压时可实现旁路模式。TIDA-00223 — 车用音频 I2S 同轴 D 类放大器的参考设计
这款基于 I2S/TDM 的参考设计是光纤/模拟铜线的低成本易用型替代品,用于将汽车(声音)控制面板连接到输出级/功率放大器。它既支持 I2S,也支持 TDM,能够将数字音频信号传输至扬声器的 16 个独立通道(各通道的功率输出均为 80W/4?)。它也支持采用单一屏蔽双绞线 (STP) 或同轴电缆通过 I2C 与控制单元或处理器进行双向通信。此外,TIDA-00223 参考设计附带电源,支持快速实施,并可满足现代汽车对于保护和诊断功能的所有需求。PMP7967 — 135W 汽车类多相升压转换器
PMP7967 可在电流为 1.5A 的条件下将 6V-42V 直流输入转换为 90V 输出。该设计采用四个交错式 LM5122 升压控制器,每个控制器以 100kHz 频率相互切换。最终形成的四相升压转换器的纹波频率为 400kHz。频率也可与外部信号同步。输出时采用四个 330μF 铝电解电容器,以支持喷油器螺线管中的突增负载电流需求。PMP7966 — 130W 汽车类多相升压转换器
PMP7966 是一款四相升压转换器,在输入电压为 6V 到 42V 且电流为 2.5A 时的额定输出值为 52V。该设计采用 LM5122 升压控制器,每相的开关频率为 100kHz,从而产生 400kHz 的输入和输出纹波。每相输出时采用 680μF 铝电解电容器,可提供一定的保持时间以支持较大的瞬态电流。