TI哪些型号被关注? TI热门产品型号
  • 制造厂商:TI
  • 产品类别:数据转换器
  • 技术类目:数模转换器 (DAC) - 精密数模转换器 (<=10MSPS)
  • 功能描述:用于 4-20mA 环路的单线 16 位 DAC
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The DAC161P997 is a 16-bit ΣΔ digital-to-analog converter (DAC) for transmitting an analog output current over an industry standard 4-20 mA current loop. It offers 16-bit accuracy with a low output current temperature coefficient (29 ppm/°C) and excellent long-term output current drift (90 ppmFS) while consuming less than 190 µA.

The data link to the DAC161P997 is a Single Wire Interface (SWIF) which allows sensor data to be transferred in digital format over an isolation boundary using a single isolation component. The DAC161P997’s digital input is compatible with standard isolation transformers and opto-couplers. Error detection and handshaking features within the SWIF protocol ensure error free communication across the isolation boundary. For applications where isolation is not required, the DAC161P997 interfaces directly to a microcontroller.

The loop drive of the DAC161P997 interfaces to a HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) modulator, allowing injection of FSK modulated digital data into the 4-20 mA current loop. This combination of specifications and features makes the DAC161P997 ideal for 2- and 4-wire industrial transmitters.

The DAC161P997 is available in a 16-lead WQFN package and is specified over the extended industrial temperature range of –40°C to 105°C.

  • 16-Bit Linearity
  • Single-Wire Interface (SWIF), with Handshake
  • Digital Data Transmission (No Loss of Fidelity)
  • Pin Programmable Power-Up Condition
  • Self Adjusting to Input Data Rate
  • Loop Error Detection and Rreporting
  • Programmable Output Current Error Level
  • No External Precision Components
  • Simple Interface to HART Modulator
  • Small Package: WQFN-16 (4 × 4 mm, 0.5 mm Pitch)
  • Key
    • Output Current TempCo: 29 ppmFS/°C (Max)
    • Long-Term Output Current Drift: 90 ppmFS (Typ)
    • INL: 3.3/–2.1 μA(Max)
    • Total Supply Current: 190 μA (Max)
  • Two-Wire, 4-20 mA Current Loop Transmitter
  • Industrial Process Control
  • Actuator Control
  • Factory Automation
  • Building Automation
  • Precision Instruments
  • Data Acquisition Systems
  • Test Systems

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Resolution (Bits)
  • 16
  • Number of DAC channels (#)
  • 1
  • Interface type
  • Single-Wire
  • Output type
  • Buffered Current
  • Features
  • 4-20mA loop transmitter, Low Power
  • Reference type
  • Ext
  • Architecture
  • Delta-Sigma
  • Rating
  • Catalog
  • Output range (Max) (mA/V)
  • 24
  • Output range (Min) (mA/V)
  • 0
  • Operating temperature range (C)
  • -40 to 105


DAC161P997CISQ/NOPB,工作温度:-40 to 105,封装:WQFN (RGH)-16,包装数量MPQ:1000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-260C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SN,TI官网DAC161P997CISQ/NOPB的批量USD价格:2.033(1000+)

DAC161P997CISQX/NOPB,工作温度:-40 to 105,封装:WQFN (RGH)-16,包装数量MPQ:4500个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-260C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SN,TI官网DAC161P997CISQX/NOPB的批量USD价格:1.694(1000+)


DAC161P997EVAL — DAC161P997 评估板

DAC161P997EVAL is the evaluation board for the DAC161P997 Single-Wire 16-bit DAC for 4-20mA Loops. This board will help the user evaluate the functionality and performance of the DAC161P997. It is also a demonstration tool for the DAC?s unique single wire interface (SWIF).

DAC161P997EVAL combined (...)


PSpice for TI 可提供帮助评估模拟电路功能的设计和仿真环境。此功能齐全的设计和仿真套件使用 Cadence 的模拟分析引擎。PSpice for TI 可免费使用,包括业内超大的模型库之一,涵盖我们的模拟和电源产品系列以及精选的模拟行为模型。

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TINA 是德州仪器 (TI) 专有的 DesignSoft 产品。该免费版本具有完整的功能,但不支持完整版 TINA 所提供的某些其他功能。

如需获取可用 TINA-TI 模型的完整列表,请参阅:SpiceRack - 完整列表

需要 HSpice (...)


模拟工程师计算器旨在加快模拟电路设计工程师经常使用的许多重复性计算。该基于 PC 的工具提供图形界面,其中显示各种常见计算的列表(从使用反馈电阻器设置运算放大器增益到为稳定模数转换器 (ADC) 驱动器缓冲器电路选择合适的电路设计元件)。除了可用作单独的工具之外,该计算器还能够很好地与模拟工程师口袋参考书中所述的概念配合使用。 lock = 需要出口许可(1分钟)

TIDA-00189 — 隔离式回路供电的热电偶发送器参考设计

由隔离式环路供电的热电偶发送器参考设计是可为 4 至 20mA 隔离式电流环路应用提供 K 型热电偶精度测量的系统解决方案。此设计旨在用作评估模块,可供用户快速进行原型设计并开发适用于过程控制和工厂自动化的终端产品。用作温度传感器的热电偶可能面临的挑战包括输出电压低、灵敏性差以及不具备线性特征;此外,由于工业环境中高于 100V 的接地电势差很普遍,热电偶和信号调节电路必须实现电隔离。该设计文件包括设计注意事项、方框图、原理图、物料清单 (BOM)、层图、Altium 文件、Gerber 文件和 MSP430 固件。
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