- 制造厂商:TI
- 产品类别:隔离
- 技术类目:隔离式接口 IC - 隔离式 RS-485 收发器
- 功能描述:40Mbps、半双工、隔离式 RS-485 和 RS-422 收发器
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The ISO1176 device is an isolated differential line transceiver designed for use in PROFIBUS applications. The device is ideal for long transmission lines because the ground loop is broken to provide for operation with a much larger common-mode voltage range. The symmetrical isolation barrier of each device is tested to provide 2500 VRMS of isolation per UL between the line transceiver and the logic level interface.
The galvanically isolated differential bus transceiver is an integrated circuit designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. The transceiver combines a galvanically isolated differential line driver and differential input line receiver. The driver has an active-high enable with isolated enable-state output on the ISODE pin (pin 10) to facilitate direction control. The driver differential outputs and the receiver differential inputs connect internally to form a differential input/output (I/O) bus port that is designed to offer minimum loading to the bus allowing up to 160 nodes.
The PV pin (pin 7) is provided as a full-chip enable option. All device outputs become high impedance when a logic low is applied to the PV pin. For more information, see the function tables in Device Functional Modes.
Any cabled I/O can be subjected to electrical noise transients from various sources. These noise transients can cause damage to the transceiver and/or nearby sensitive circuitry if they are of sufficient magnitude and duration. The ISO1176 can significantly reduce the risk of data corruption and damage to expensive control circuits.
The device is characterized for operation over the ambient temperature range of 40°C to +85°C.
- Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of EN 50170 and TIA/EIA-485-A
- Signaling Rates up to 40 Mbps
- Differential Output Exceeds 2.1 V (54-Ω Load)
- Low Bus Capacitance – 10 pF (Maximum)
- Up to 160 Transceivers on a Bus
- 50 kV/μs Typical Transient Immunity
- Fail-Safe Receiver for Bus Open, Short, Idle
- 3.3-V Inputs are 5-V Tolerant
- Bus-Pin ESD Protection
- 16-kV HBM Between Bus Pins and GND2
- 6-kV HBM Between Bus Pins and GND1
- Safety and Regulatory Approvals
- 4000-VPK Isolation, 560-VPK VIORM per DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10): 2006-12 and DIN EN 61010-1
- 2500 VRMS Isolation Rating per UL 1577
- 4000 VPK Isolation Rating per CSA CA5A and IEC 60950-1
- Duplex
- Half
- Data rate (Max) (Mbps)
- 40
- Isolation rating (Vrms)
- 2500
- Integrated isolated power
- No
- Operating temperature range (C)
- -40 to 85
- Fail safe
- Idle, Open, Short
- HBM ESD (kV)
- 16
- Surge voltage capability (Vpk)
- 4000
ISO1176DW,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:SOIC (DW)-16,包装数量MPQ:40个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-2-260C-1 YEAR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网ISO1176DW的批量USD价格:3.601(1000+)
ISO1176DWR,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:SOIC (DW)-16,包装数量MPQ:2000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-2-260C-1 YEAR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网ISO1176DWR的批量USD价格:3.001(1000+)

ISO1176EVM — ISO1176EVM 评估模块
EVM 在用作电路板布局指南的同时,还可用于评估器件参数。该电路板允许(通过 SMA 连接器)将 50Ω 同轴电缆连接到仪表,或(通过排母或 Quietzone? 连接器)连接到长度不同的 54Ω 受控阻抗电缆 。它为设计者提供了用于评估和成功设计终端产品的工具。此 EVM 允许对 ISO1176 ProfiBus 收发器进行评估。该 EVM 附带了安装在电路板 (U1) 上单片收发器,由于它被设计成适用于 16 引脚器件的行业标准 176 封装,因此也可以对其它的 176 封装器件进行评估。请务必注意隔离电源和接地,因为它是一款隔离器件。该器件的数据/控制端(引脚 (...)
ISO1176_5 IBIS Model
此参考设计旨在用于塑壳断路器 (MCCB) 电子跳闸单元。这种基于运算放大器的设计用于对过流接地故障继电器进行电流监控。通过采用低成本运算放大器,此设计提供 ±10 % 的拾取 (A) 准确度和 0 至 -20% 的时间延迟 (s) 准确度。另外,此设计充分考虑严苛的环境条件,具有 -10 至 70°C 的环境不敏感性以及较高的电磁抗扰性等特性。最后,此设计的模拟前端无缝连接至 TI MSP430 MCU,可加快评估和缩短上市时间。TIDA-00191 — 具有增强的电流范围的电机电子过载继电器模拟前端
此参考设计是电子过载继电器的模拟前端 (AFE),用于监视和保护电机不受过流或欠流事件的损害。如果开发人员需要为工业应用中的灵敏交流电机设计过载继电器,那么此工具便是其理想选择。这种基于可编程增益放大器 (PGA) 的模拟前端旨在作为简单的评估平台,可实现准确的、行业领先的 10:1 全载电流 (FLA) 范围,并且可在 -10 至 +70°C 温度范围内重复。TIDA-00012 — 高效隔离式 CAN 和 Profibus 接口参考设计
高效隔离式 CAN 和 Profibus 接口参考设计旨在用于需要为 CAN 和/或 Profibus 收发器提供隔离电源的工业系统。此设计重点展示了仅使用来自微控制器的一个 GPIO 信号即可完全关闭电源转换器和数据收发器的能力(例如,在进入低功耗模式时)。这种隔离式接口为我们的 Profibus 和 CAN 收发器提供初级和次级电源的精确稳压电源轨,而无需昂贵的光耦合器反馈电路,使其成为用于工业自动化的简单、高效和灵活隔离式接口。此参考设计还有一个附加功能,即能让 MCU 等待电源状态良好后再传输数据,或者在接口发生电源故障时停止传输数据。此参考设计的 Tiva C 系列 Launch (...)