- 制造厂商:TI
- 产品类别:电源管理
- 技术类目:直流/直流开关稳压器 - 升压稳压器
- 功能描述:符合 AEC-Q100 标准的 2.97V 至 48V 高效升压、SEPIC 和反激式控制器
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The LM3481 device is a versatile Low-Side N-FET high-performance controller for switching regulators. The device is suitable for use in topologies requiring a low-side FET, such as boost, flyback, SEPIC, and so on. The LM3481 device can be operated at extremely high switching frequencies to reduce the overall solution size. The switching frequency of the LM3481 device can be adjusted to any value between 100kHz and 1MHz by using a single external resistor or by synchronizing it to an external clock. Current mode control provides superior bandwidth and transient response in addition to cycle-by-cycle current limiting. Current limit can be programmed with a single external resistor.
The LM3481 device has built-in protection features such as thermal shutdown, short-circuit protection and overvoltage protection. Power-saving shutdown mode reduces the total supply current to 5 µA and allows power supply sequencing. Internal soft-start limits the inrush current at start-up.
- LM3481QMM are Automotive-Grade Products That are AEC-Q100 Grade 1 Qualified (–40°C to +125°C Operating Junction Temperature)
- 10-Lead VSSOP Package
- Internal Push-Pull Driver With 1-A Peak Current Capability
- Current Limit and Thermal Shutdown
- Frequency Compensation Optimized With a Capacitor and a Resistor
- Internal Softstart
- Current Mode Operation
- Adjustable Undervoltage Lockout With Hysteresis
- Pulse Skipping at Light Loads
- Key Specifications
- Wide Supply Voltage Range of 2.97 V to 48 V
- 100-kHz to 1-MHz Adjustable and Synchronizable Clock Frequency
- ±1.5% (Over Temperature) Internal Reference
- 10-μA Shutdown Current (Over Temperature)
- Vin (Min) (V)
- 2.97
- Vin (Max) (V)
- 48
- Vout (Min) (V)
- 1.26
- Vout (Max) (V)
- 500
- Regulated outputs (#)
- 1
- Switching frequency (Min) (kHz)
- 100
- Switching frequency (Max) (kHz)
- 1000
- Iq (Typ) (mA)
- 3.7
- Features
- Adjustable Current Limit, Enable, Frequency Synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Pre-Bias Start-Up, UVLO Adjustable
- Duty cycle (Max) (%)
- 85
- Rating
- Automotive
LM3481QMM/NOPB,工作温度:-40 to 125,封装:VSSOP (DGS)-10,包装数量MPQ:1000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SN,TI官网LM3481QMM/NOPB的批量USD价格:.831(1000+)
LM3481QMMX/NOPB,工作温度:-40 to 125,封装:VSSOP (DGS)-10,包装数量MPQ:3500个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SN,TI官网LM3481QMMX/NOPB的批量USD价格:.71(1000+)

LM3481EVAL — 具有 12V 输出的高效升压开关控制器评估板
The LM3481 is a current mode, low side N channel FET controller. It can be utilized in numerous configurations including a Boost, Flyback or SEPIC (Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter). This evaluation board demonstrates the flexibility of the LM3481 in a boost topology providing 12 volt output (...)
The LM3481 SEPIC evaluation board is designed to provide the design engineer with a fully functional power converter solution with two output voltage options. It produces a selectable output voltage of 12 V at 1.25A or 5V at 3A. The switching frequency for the converter is set to 500 kHz. The (...)
LM3481 TINA-TI Load Transient Reference Design (Rev. C)
PSpice for TI 可提供帮助评估模拟电路功能的设计和仿真环境。此功能齐全的设计和仿真套件使用 Cadence 的模拟分析引擎。PSpice for TI 可免费使用,包括业内超大的模型库之一,涵盖我们的模拟和电源产品系列以及精选的模拟行为模型。借助?PSpice for TI 的设计和仿真环境及其内置的模型库,您可对复杂的混合信号设计进行仿真。创建完整的终端设备设计和原型解决方案,然后再进行布局和制造,可缩短产品上市时间并降低开发成本。
在?PSpice for TI 设计和仿真工具中,您可以搜索 TI (...)
该工具可帮助电源工程师基于规格选择正确的隔离式直流-直流拓扑。根据所选择的拓扑,计算器还会针对设计建议正确的 IC。330mW AC or DC Tiny Flyback Converter Power Supply Reference Design CAD File
此参考设计是一种宽输入电压、低功耗反激式设计,可采用 19VDC 至 60VDC 和 85VAC 至 275VAC 的双输入。它旨在为输出负载提供 24V 电压(电流为 420mA 时)。PMP21404 — 用于汽车直流/交流逆变器的高效升压转换器电源参考设计
该单相升压转换器可在 120V - 350V 的输入电压范围内工作,并提供 221V/0.87A 的非隔离式输出。高于 221V 的输入电压传递到输出。凭借高于 97% 的效率,组件损耗得到降低,从而降低工作温度并对散热器的要求达到最低。TIDA-01234 — 适用于汽车 LED 照明的 24W 升压和升压至电池电压参考设计
TIDA-01234 是一款 24W 高效 (94%) 低成本异步升压参考设计,适用于基于 LM3481-Q1 的汽车 LED 应用。此参考设计适用于汽车高亮度照明系统(例如头灯和尾灯)以及内部 LED 照明系统。它专为在 6V 至 18V 输入电压范围内工作而设计,并且能够以 1A 恒定电流驱动多个包含 6 至 7 个串联 LED(16V 至 24V)的灯串。此参考设计支持模拟 LED 亮度控制和输出开路保护。在升压到电池配置中,输入电压可高于、低于或等于所需的 LED 串电压。
PMP11784 — 汽车预升压参考设计
此汽车预升压转换器可接受的输入电压范围为 2.0V 到 16.0V/40.0V(峰值)。在启动时,它提供一个 9.5V(1.3A 连续电流/2.8A 峰值电流)的稳定输出电压。PMP40100 — 适用于 HEV/EV 电池管理系统的隔离式多轨输出反激参考设计
PMP40100 是一种隔离型反激式解决方案,它接受 5V 至 36V 的输入电压并提供到负载的多个 3KV 隔离式输出电压轨。此参考设计支持 15V 电压轨 (100mA) 和 6V(每个电压轨 300mA)电压轨配置。此参考设计具有良好的线路和负载调节性能以及良好的热性能。此设计还在 PCB 内集成变压器绕组,显著减小了 PCB 板,使其更容易集成到系统板中。TIDA-00744 — 适用于汽车信息娱乐系统的 50W 系统级电源参考设计
TIDA-00744 是用于中等功率汽车信息娱乐系统的 50W 系统级 SMPS 设计。该设计提供各种保护,如通过 TVS(ISO 脉冲测试)实现的负载突降保护和反向电压(具有很低 Iq 的创新智能二极管)保护。此外,所有控制器(升压和双降压)都处于同步状态,以实现 EMI 优化设计。
PMP9476 — 15W 汽车起停电源
PMP9476 是非同步降压转换器加上一个非同步升压控制器,它接受 3.5V 至 40V 的输入电压,输出 5V,并且能够为负载提供 3A 电流。LM3481-REF — 330mW AC 或 DC 小型反向转换器电源参考设计
The main purpose of the power supply is to convert the rectified AC Input to DC regulated current for 6 LEDs. The power supply provides protection for the LEDs, limits the transient input voltage and protect against inrush current at plug in. The overall power supply conformity (e.g. (...)