- 制造厂商:TI
- 产品类别:电源管理
- 技术类目:电源开关 - 电子保险丝和热插拔控制器
- 功能描述:5.5V 至 65V 高侧保护控制器
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The LM5060 high-side protection controller provides intelligent control of a high-side N-channel MOSFET during normal on/off transitions and fault conditions. In-rush current is controlled by the nearly constant rise time of the output voltage. A POWER GOOD output indicates when the output voltage reaches the input voltage and the MOSFET is fully on. Input UVLO (with hysteresis) is provided as well as programmable input OVP. An enable input provides remote on or off control. The programmable UVLO input can be used as second enable input for safety redundancy. A single capacitor programs the initial start-up VGS fault detection delay time, the transition VDS fault detection delay time, and the continuous over-current VDS fault detection delay time. When a detected fault condition persists longer than the allowed fault delay time, the MOSFET is latched off until either the enable input or the UVLO input is toggled low and then high.
- Available in Automotive Grade / AEC Q-100
- Wide operating input voltage range: 5.5 V to 65 V
- Functional safety capable
- Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
- Less than 15-μA quiescent current in disabled mode
- Controlled output rise time for safe connection of capacitive loads
- Charge pump gate driver for external N-Channel MOSFET
- Adjustable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) with hysteresis
- UVLO Serves as second enable input for systems requiring safety redundancy
- Programmable fault detection delay time
- MOSFET latched off after load fault is detected
- Active low open drain POWER GOOD (nPGD) output
- Adjustable input Overvoltage Protection (OVP)
- Immediate restart after overvoltage shutdown
- 10-Lead VSSOP
- External
- Vin (Min) (V)
- 5.5
- Vin (Max) (V)
- 65
- Vabsmax_cont (V)
- 75
- Current limit (Min) (A)
- 0.01
- Current limit (Max) (A)
- 500
- Overcurrent response
- Circuit breaker, Current limiting
- Fault response
- Latch-off
LM5060MM/NOPB,工作温度:-40 to 125,封装:VSSOP (DGS)-10,包装数量MPQ:1000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SN,TI官网LM5060MM/NOPB的批量USD价格:.944(1000+)
LM5060MMX/NOPB,工作温度:-40 to 125,封装:VSSOP (DGS)-10,包装数量MPQ:3500个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SN,TI官网LM5060MMX/NOPB的批量USD价格:.684(1000+)

LM5060EVAL — 用于 LM5060 的评估板
The LM5060 evaluation board is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the LM5060 high side protection controller with low quiescent current. It is intended for evaluation of the functions of the LM5060. One high side N-channel power MOSFET is used. The evaluation board is designed to highlight (...)
EVMK2G — 66AK2Gx (K2G) 评估模块
EVMK2GX(也称为“K2G”)1GHz 评估模块 (EVM) 可以让开发人员迅速开始评估 66AK2Gx 处理器系列,并加速音频、工业电机控制、智能电网保护和其他高可靠性实时计算密集型应用的开发。 66AK2Gx 与基于 KeyStone 的现有 SoC 器件类似,可以让 DSP 和 ARM 内核控制系统中的所有内存和外设。此架构有助于最大限度地提高软件灵活性,并可以在其中实现以 DSP 或 ARM 为中心的系统设计。
无论是 Linux 还是 TI-RTOS 操作系统,处理器 SDK 均支持此 EVM,而且此 EVM 采用 USB、PCIe 和千兆位以太网等主要外设。 (...)
EVMK2GXS — 66AK2Gx (K2G) 1GHz 高安全性评估模块
K2G 1GHz 高安全性评估模块 (EVM) 可让开发人员开始对高安全性开发版本 66AK2Gx 处理器的编程进行评估和测试,并加快音频和工业实时应用的下一级安全引导产品开发。无论是 Linux 还是 TI-RTOS 操作系统,处理器 SDK 均支持此 EVM,而且此 EVM 可支持与 EVMK2GX 相同的特性和功能。
注意:请注意,该 EVM 需要获得购买批准以及对软件的访问权限。请使用“立即订购”表中的“申请”按钮提交请求。
LM5060 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model Package (Rev. B)
PSpice for TI 可提供帮助评估模拟电路功能的设计和仿真环境。此功能齐全的设计和仿真套件使用 Cadence 的模拟分析引擎。PSpice for TI 可免费使用,包括业内超大的模型库之一,涵盖我们的模拟和电源产品系列以及精选的模拟行为模型。借助?PSpice for TI 的设计和仿真环境及其内置的模型库,您可对复杂的混合信号设计进行仿真。创建完整的终端设备设计和原型解决方案,然后再进行布局和制造,可缩短产品上市时间并降低开发成本。
在?PSpice for TI 设计和仿真工具中,您可以搜索 TI (...)
LM5060 Design Calculator (Rev. C)
此参考设计实现了对备用电池和充电器的全面监测。它支持在 12Vdc/24Vdc 电源和 12V/24V 铅酸电池间切换,电池恒流充电的电流典型值为 1A,具有适用于电池和输入源的电池维护型浮充和监测电路。PMP40182 — 双向电池初始化系统电源板参考设计
This reference design is a battery initialization reference design solution for automotive and battery applications. The module enables a high efficiency single stage conversion for charging and discharging the battery. This design features a 0.1% accurate current control loop using the high (...)PMP10260 — 24VDC 输入(双汽车电池)汽车类多相同步降压参考设计
此高效、高功率参考设计使用 LM5119 双相同步降压控制器在 60A 下调节 14.4V。此设计可用于从卡车中常见的双电池系统为单一汽车电池电源供电。特性包括输入 EMI 滤波、输出热插拔保护、输入/输出电流监控和温度监控。