TI哪些型号被关注? TI热门产品型号
  • 制造厂商:TI
  • 产品类别:接口
  • 技术类目:串行数字接口 (SDI) IC
  • 功能描述:具有双输出的四通道激光二极管驱动器
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The LMH6525/6526 is a laser diode driver for use in combination DVD/CD recordable and rewritable systems. The part contains two high-current outputs for reading and writing the DVD (650 nm) and CD (780 nm) lasers. Functionality includes read, write and erase through four separate switched current channels. The channel currents are summed together at the selected output to generate multilevel waveforms for reading, writing and erasing of optical discs. The LVDS interface delivers DVD write speeds of 16x and higher while minimizing noise and crosstalk. The LMH6525/6526 is optimized for both speed and power consumption to meet the demands of next generation systems. The part features a 150 mA read channel plus one 300 mA and two 150 mA write channels, which can be summed to allow a total output current of 600 mA or greater. The channel currents are set through four independent current inputs.

An on-board High-Frequency Modulator (HFM) oscillator helps reduce low-frequency noise of the laser and is enabled by applying LVDS levels on the ENOSC pins for the LMH6525, while the LMH6526 is enabled by applying an asymmetrical signal on the ENOSC pin. The fully differential oscillator circuit minimizes supply line noise, easing FCC approval of the overall system. The SELA/B pin (active HIGH) selects the output channel and oscillator settings. External resistors determine oscillator frequency and amplitude for each setting. The write and erase channels can be switched on and off through dedicated LVDS interface pins.

  • Fast Switching: Rise and Fall Times: 0.6/1.0 ns.
  • Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Channels Enable Interface for the Fast Switching Lines
  • Low Output Current Noise: 0.24 nA/√Hz
  • Dual Output: Selectable by SELA/B Pin (Active HIGH)
    • SELA = LMH6526?SEB = LMH6525
  • Four Independent Current Channels
    • Gain of 300, 300 mA Write Channel
    • Gain of 150, 150 mA Low-Noise Read Channel
    • Two Gain of 150, 150 mA Write Channels
    • 600 mA Minimum Combined Output Current
  • Integrated AC Coupled HFM Oscillator
    • Selectable Frequency and Amplitude Setting
    • By External Resistors
    • 200 MHz to 600 MHz Frequency Range
    • Amplitude to 100 mA Peak-to-Peak Modulation
  • Complete Shutdown by ENABLE Pin
  • 5V Single-Supply Operation
  • Logic inputs TTL and CMOS compatible
  • Space Saving Package (OFN)
  • LMH6525 has Differential Enable Oscillator Inputs
  • LMH6526 has Single Ended Enable Oscillator Inputs

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Function
  • Laser driver
  • Power consumption (mW)
  • 500
  • Data rate (Max) (Gbps)
  • 1
  • Control interface
  • Pin
  • Operating temperature range (C)
  • -40 to 85


LMH6525SP/NOPB,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:UQFN (NJD)-28,包装数量MPQ:1000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SN,TI官网LMH6525SP/NOPB的批量USD价格:1.89(1000+)


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