TI哪些型号被关注? TI热门产品型号
  • 制造厂商:TI
  • 产品类别:微控制器 (MCU) 和处理器
  • 技术类目:处理器 - 数字信号处理器 (DSP)
  • 功能描述:C62x 定点 DSP- 高达 300MHz、384KB
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The TMS320C6202 and TMS320C6202B devices are part of the TMS320C62x™ fixed-point DSP generation in the TMS320C6000™ DSP platform. The C62x™ DSP devices are based on the high-performance, advanced VelociTI™ very-long-instruction-word (VLIW) architecture developed by Texas Instruments (TI), making these DSPs an excellent choice for multichannel and multifunction applications.

The TMS320C62x™ DSP offers cost-effective solutions to high-performance DSP-programming challenges. The TMS320C6202/02B has a performance capability of up to 2400 million instructions per second (MIPS) at 300 MHz. The C6202/02B DSP possesses the operational flexibility of high-speed controllers and the numerical capability of array processors. These processors have 32 general-purpose registers of 32-bit word length and eight highly independent functional units. The eight functional units provide six arithmetic logic units (ALUs) for a high degree of parallelism and two 16-bit multipliers for a 32-bit result. The C6202/02B can produce two multiply-accumulates (MACs) per cycle. This gives a total of 600 million MACs per second (MMACS) for the C6202/02B device. The C6202/02B DSP also has application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals.

The C6202/02B devices program memory consists of two blocks, with a 128K-byte block configured as memory-mapped program space, and the other 128K-byte block user-configurable as cache or memory-mapped program space. Data memory for the C6202/02B consists of two 64K-byte blocks of RAM.

The C6202/02B device has a powerful and diverse set of peripherals. The peripheral set includes three multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs), two general-purpose timers, a 32-bit expansion bus (XBus) that offers ease of interface to synchronous or asynchronous industry-standard host bus protocols, and a glueless 32-bit external memory interface (EMIF) capable of interfacing to SDRAM or SBSRAM and asynchronous peripherals.

The C62x™ devices have a complete set of development tools which includes: a new C compiler, an assembly optimizer to simplify programming and scheduling, and a Windows™ debugger interface for visibility into source code execution.

  • High-Performance Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) – TMS320C62x?
    • 5-, 4-, 3.33-ns Instruction Cycle Time
    • 200-, 250-, 300-MHz Clock Rate
    • Eight 32-Bit Instructions/Cycle
    • 1600, 2000, 2400 MIPS
  • C6202 and C6203B GLS Ball Grid Array (BGA) Packages are Pin-Compatible With the C6204 GLW BGA Package
  • C6202B and C6203B GNZ and GNY Packages are Pin-Compatible
  • VelociTI? Advanced Very-Long-Instruction-Word (VLIW) C62x? DSP Core
    • Eight Highly Independent Functional Units:
      • Six ALUs (32-/40-Bit)
      • Two 16-Bit Multipliers (32-Bit Result)
    • Load-Store Architecture With 32 32-Bit General-Purpose Registers
    • Instruction Packing Reduces Code Size
    • All Instructions Conditional
  • Instruction Set Features
    • Byte-Addressable (8-, 16-, 32-Bit Data)
    • 8-Bit Overflow Protection
    • Saturation
    • Bit-Field Extract, Set, Clear
    • Bit-Counting
    • Normalization
  • 3M-Bit On-Chip SRAM
    • 2M-Bit Internal Program/Cache (64K 32-Bit Instructions)
    • 1M-Bit Dual-Access Internal Data (128K Bytes)
      • Organized as Two 64K-Byte Blocks for Improved Concurrency
  • 32-Bit External Memory Interface (EMIF)
    • Glueless Interface to Synchronous Memories: SDRAM or SBSRAM
    • Glueless Interface to Asynchronous Memories: SRAM and EPROM
    • 52M-Byte Addressable External Memory Space
  • Four-Channel Bootloading Direct-Memory-Access (DMA) Controller With an Auxiliary Channel
  • Flexible Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) Clock Generator
  • 32-Bit Expansion Bus (XBus)
    • Glueless/Low-Glue Interface to Popular PCI Bridge Chips
    • Glueless/Low-Glue Interface to Popular Synchronous or Asynchronous Microprocessor Buses
    • Master/Slave Functionality
    • Glueless Interface to Synchronous FIFOs and Asynchronous Peripherals
  • Three Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs)
    • Direct Interface to T1/E1, MVIP, SCSA Framers
    • ST-Bus-Switching Compatible
    • Up to 256 Channels Each
    • AC97-Compatible
    • Serial-Peripheral Interface (SPI) Compatible (Motorola?)
  • Two 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers
  • IEEE-1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan-Compatible
  • 352-Pin BGA Package (GJL) (C6202)
  • 352-Pin BGA Package (GNZ) (C6202B)
  • 384-Pin BGA Package (GLS) (C6202)
  • 384-Pin BGA Package (GNY) (C6202B)
  • 0.18-μm/5-Level Metal Process (C6202) 0.15-μm/5-Level Metal Process (C6202B)
    • CMOS Technology
  • 3.3-V I/Os, 1.8-V Internal (C6202) 3.3-V I/Os, 1.5-V Internal (C6202B)

TMS320C62x, VelociTI, and C62x are trademarks of Texas Instruments. Motorola is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more details, see the GLS BGA package bottom view. IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard-Test-Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture. TMS320C6000 is a trademark of Texas Instruments. C6000 is a trademark of Texas Instruments. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.

  • DSP
  • 1 C62x
  • DSP MHz (Max)
  • 250, 300
  • CPU
  • 32-/64-bit
  • Operating system
  • Rating
  • Catalog
  • Operating temperature range (C)
  • 0 to 90, -40 to 105


TMS320C6202BGNZ300,工作温度:0 to 90,封装:FCBGA (GNZ)-352,包装数量MPQ:40个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-4-220C-72 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:Call TI,TI官网TMS320C6202BGNZ300的批量USD价格:67.606(1000+)

TMS320C6202BZNY250,工作温度:0 to 90,封装: (ZNY)-384,包装数量MPQ:90个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-4-260C-72HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNAGCU,TI官网TMS320C6202BZNY250的批量USD价格:65.089(1000+)

TMS320C6202BZNZ250,工作温度:0 to 90,封装:FCBGA (ZNZ)-352,包装数量MPQ:40个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-4-260C-72HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNAGCU,TI官网TMS320C6202BZNZ250的批量USD价格:56.338(1000+)

TMS32C6202BGNZA250,工作温度:-40 to 105,封装:FCBGA (GNZ)-352,包装数量MPQ:40个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-4-220C-72 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNPB,TI官网TMS32C6202BGNZA250的批量USD价格:67.606(1000+)

TMS320C6202BGNY250,工作温度:0 to 90,封装:FCCSP (GNY)-384,包装数量MPQ:90个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-4-220C-72 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNPB,TI官网TMS320C6202BGNY250的批量USD价格:64.789(1000+)

TMS320C6202BGNY300,工作温度:0 to 90,封装:FCCSP (GNY)-384,包装数量MPQ:90个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-4-220C-72 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:Call TI,TI官网TMS320C6202BGNY300的批量USD价格:76.056(1000+)

TMS320C6202BZNZ300,工作温度:0 to 90,封装:FCBGA (ZNZ)-352,包装数量MPQ:40个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-4-260C-72HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNAGCU,TI官网TMS320C6202BZNZ300的批量USD价格:76.056(1000+)


TMDSEMU560V2STM-U — Blackhawk XDS560v2 系统跟踪 USB 仿真器

XDS560v2 System Trace 是 XDS560v2 系列高性能 TI 处理器调试探针(仿真器)的第一种型号。XDS560v2 是 XDS 系列调试探针中性能最高的一款,同时支持传统 JTAG 标准 (IEEE1149.1) 和 cJTAG (IEEE1149.7)。

XDS560v2 System Trace 在其巨大的外部存储器缓冲区中加入了系统引脚跟踪。这种外部存储器缓冲区适用于指定的 TI 器件,通过捕获相关器件级信息,获得准确的总线性能活动和吞吐量,并对内核和外设进行电源管理。此外,对于带有嵌入式缓冲跟踪器 (ETB) 的所有 ARM 和 DSP 处理器,所有 XDS (...)

TMDSEMU560V2STM-UE — Spectrum Digital XDS560v2 系统跟踪 USB 和以太网

XDS560v2 System Trace 是 XDS560v2 系列高性能 TI 处理器调试探针(仿真器)的第一种型号。XDS560v2 是 XDS 系列调试探针中性能最高的一款,同时支持传统 JTAG 标准 (IEEE1149.1) 和 cJTAG (IEEE1149.7)。

XDS560v2 System Trace 在其巨大的外部存储器缓冲区中加入了系统引脚跟踪。这种外部存储器缓冲区适用于指定的 TI 器件,通过捕获相关器件级信息,获得准确的总线性能活动和吞吐量,并对内核和外设进行电源管理。此外,对于带有嵌入式缓冲跟踪器 (ETB) 的所有 ARM 和 DSP 处理器,所有 XDS (...)

FAXLIB — 用于 C66x、C64x+ 和 C55x 处理器的传真库 (FAXLIB)

C62x/64x FastRTS Library 是优化型浮点函数库,适用于使用 TMS320C62x 或 TMS320C64x 器件的 C 语言编程器。这些例程通常用于计算密集型实时应用,在这些应用中,提高执行速度至关重要。通过将当前的浮点库 (RTS) 函数替换为 FastRTS Library,可以在不重写现有代码的情况下大大加快执行速度。

该版本还包括 FastRTS Library 中可用函数子集的 C 语言实施。C 代码可让用户内联这些函数并获得更高性能。

特性 单精度和双精度数学函数 单精度和双精度转换函数 浮点加法 将浮点值转换为 32 位带符号整数值 将 32 位带符号整数值转换为浮点值 (...)

SPRC265 — TMS320C6000 DSP 库 (DSPLIB)

TMS320C6000 Digital Signal Processor Library (DSPLIB) is a platform-optimized DSP function library for C programmers. It includes C-callable, general-purpose signal-processing routines that are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications. With these routines, higher (...)

C6202B GNY BSDL Model (Rev. B)

TI has partnered with companies to offer a wide range of software, tools, and SOMs using TI processors to accelerate your path to production. Download this search tool to quickly browse our third-party solutions and find the right third-party to meet your needs. The software, tools and modules (...)
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