TI哪些型号被关注? TI热门产品型号
  • 制造厂商:TI
  • 产品类别:微控制器 (MCU) 和处理器
  • 技术类目:处理器 - 数字信号处理器 (DSP)
  • 功能描述:定点数字信号处理器
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The TMS320C62x™ DSPs (including the TMS320C6204 device) compose the fixed-point DSP generation in the TMS320C6000™ DSP platform. The TMS320C6204 (C6204) device is based on the high-performance, advanced VelociTI™ very-long-instruction-word (VLIW) architecture developed by Texas Instruments (TI), making the C6204 an excellent choice for multichannel and multifunction applications.

With performance of up to 1600 million instructions per second (MIPS) at a clock rate of 200 MHz, the C6204 offers cost-effective solutions to high-performance DSP-programming challenges. The C6204 DSP possesses the operational flexibility of high-speed controllers and the numerical capability of array processors. This processor has 32 general-purpose registers of 32-bit word length and eight highly independent functional units. The eight functional units provide six arithmetic logic units (ALUs) for a high degree of parallelism and two 16-bit multipliers for a 32-bit result. The C6204 can produce two multiply-accumulates (MACs) per cycle for a total of 400 million MACs per second (MMACS). The C6204 DSP also has application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals.

The C6204 includes a large bank of on-chip memory and has a powerful and diverse set of peripherals. Program memory consists of a 64K-byte block that is user-configurable as cache or memory-mapped as program space. Data memory consists of two 32K-byte blocks of RAM. The peripheral set includes two multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs), two general-purpose timers, a 32-bit expansion bus (XB) that offers ease of interface to synchronous or asynchronous industry-standard host bus protocols, and a glueless 32-bit external memory interface (EMIF) capable of interfacing to SDRAM or SBSRAM and asynchronous peripherals.

The C6204 has a complete set of development tools which includes: a new C compiler, an assembly optimizer to simplify programming and scheduling, and a Windows™ debugger interface for visibility into source code execution.

  • High-Performance Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor (DSP) — TMS320C6204
    • 5-ns Instruction Cycle Time
    • 200-MHz Clock Rate
    • Eight 32-Bit Instructions/Cycle
    • 1600 MIPS
  • C6204 GLW Ball Grid Array (BGA) Package is Pin-Compatible With the C6202/02B/03 GLS BGA Package
  • VelociTI? Advanced Very-Long-Instruction-Word (VLIW) TMS320C62x? DSP Core
    • Eight Highly Independent Functional Units:
      • Six ALUs (32-/40-Bit)
      • Two 16-Bit Multipliers (32-Bit Result)
    • Load-Store Architecture With 32 32-Bit General-Purpose Registers
    • Instruction Packing Reduces Code Size
    • All Instructions Conditional
  • Instruction Set Features
    • Byte-Addressable (8-, 16-, 32-Bit Data)
    • 8-Bit Overflow Protection
    • Saturation
    • Bit-Field Extract, Set, Clear
    • Bit-Counting
    • Normalization
  • 1M-Bit On-Chip SRAM
    • 512K-Bit Internal Program/Cache (16K 32-Bit Instructions)
    • 512K-Bit Dual-Access Internal Data (64K Bytes)
      • Organized as Two 32K-Byte Blocks for Improved Concurrency
  • 32-Bit External Memory Interface (EMIF)
    • Glueless Interface to Synchronous Memories: SDRAM or SBSRAM
    • Glueless Interface to Asynchronous Memories: SRAM and EPROM
    • 52M-Byte Addressable External Memory Space
  • Four-Channel Bootloading Direct-Memory-Access (DMA) Controller With an Auxiliary Channel
  • 32-Bit Expansion Bus (XB)
    • Glueless/Low-Glue Interface to Popular PCI Bridge Chips
    • Glueless/Low-Glue Interface to Popular Synchronous or Asynchronous Microprocessor Buses
    • Master/Slave Functionality
    • Glueless Interface to Synchronous FIFOs and Asynchronous Peripherals
  • Two Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs)
    • Direct Interface to T1/E1, MVIP, SCSA Framers
    • ST-Bus-Switching Compatible
    • Up to 256 Channels Each
    • AC97-Compatible
    • Serial-Peripheral Interface (SPI) Compatible (Motorola?)
  • Two 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers
  • Flexible Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) Clock Generator
  • IEEE-1149.1 (JTAG ) Boundary-Scan-Compatible
  • 288-Pin MicroStar BGA? Package (GHK)
  • 340-Pin BGA Package (GLW)
  • 0.15-μm/5-Level Metal Process
    • CMOS Technology
  • 3.3-V I/Os, 1.5-V Internal

VelociTI, TMS320C62x, and MicroStar BGA are trademarks of Texas Instruments. Motorola is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. For more details, see the GLW BGA package bottom view. IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard-Test-Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture. TMS320C6000, C62x, and C6000 are trademarks of Texas Instruments. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

  • DSP
  • 1 C62x
  • DSP MHz (Max)
  • 200
  • CPU
  • 32-/64-bit
  • Operating system
  • Rating
  • Catalog
  • Operating temperature range (C)
  • -40 to 105, 0 to 90


TMS320C6204GWTA200,工作温度:-40 to 105,封装:NFBGA (GWT)-288,包装数量MPQ:90个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-220C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNPB,TI官网TMS320C6204GWTA200的批量USD价格:11.393(1000+)

TMS320C6204ZWT200,工作温度:0 to 90,封装:NFBGA (ZWT)-288,包装数量MPQ:90个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-260C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNAGCU,TI官网TMS320C6204ZWT200的批量USD价格:9.494(1000+)

TMS320C6204ZWTA200,工作温度:-40 to 105,封装:NFBGA (ZWT)-288,包装数量MPQ:90个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-3-260C-168 HR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:SNAGCU,TI官网TMS320C6204ZWTA200的批量USD价格:11.393(1000+)


TMDSEMU560V2STM-U — Blackhawk XDS560v2 系统跟踪 USB 仿真器

XDS560v2 System Trace 是 XDS560v2 系列高性能 TI 处理器调试探针(仿真器)的第一种型号。XDS560v2 是 XDS 系列调试探针中性能最高的一款,同时支持传统 JTAG 标准 (IEEE1149.1) 和 cJTAG (IEEE1149.7)。

XDS560v2 System Trace 在其巨大的外部存储器缓冲区中加入了系统引脚跟踪。这种外部存储器缓冲区适用于指定的 TI 器件,通过捕获相关器件级信息,获得准确的总线性能活动和吞吐量,并对内核和外设进行电源管理。此外,对于带有嵌入式缓冲跟踪器 (ETB) 的所有 ARM 和 DSP 处理器,所有 XDS (...)

TMDSEMU560V2STM-UE — Spectrum Digital XDS560v2 系统跟踪 USB 和以太网

XDS560v2 System Trace 是 XDS560v2 系列高性能 TI 处理器调试探针(仿真器)的第一种型号。XDS560v2 是 XDS 系列调试探针中性能最高的一款,同时支持传统 JTAG 标准 (IEEE1149.1) 和 cJTAG (IEEE1149.7)。

XDS560v2 System Trace 在其巨大的外部存储器缓冲区中加入了系统引脚跟踪。这种外部存储器缓冲区适用于指定的 TI 器件,通过捕获相关器件级信息,获得准确的总线性能活动和吞吐量,并对内核和外设进行电源管理。此外,对于带有嵌入式缓冲跟踪器 (ETB) 的所有 ARM 和 DSP 处理器,所有 XDS (...)

FAXLIB — 用于 C66x、C64x+ 和 C55x 处理器的传真库 (FAXLIB)

C62x/64x FastRTS Library 是优化型浮点函数库,适用于使用 TMS320C62x 或 TMS320C64x 器件的 C 语言编程器。这些例程通常用于计算密集型实时应用,在这些应用中,提高执行速度至关重要。通过将当前的浮点库 (RTS) 函数替换为 FastRTS Library,可以在不重写现有代码的情况下大大加快执行速度。

该版本还包括 FastRTS Library 中可用函数子集的 C 语言实施。C 代码可让用户内联这些函数并获得更高性能。

特性 单精度和双精度数学函数 单精度和双精度转换函数 浮点加法 将浮点值转换为 32 位带符号整数值 将 32 位带符号整数值转换为浮点值 (...)

SPRC265 — TMS320C6000 DSP 库 (DSPLIB)

TMS320C6000 Digital Signal Processor Library (DSPLIB) is a platform-optimized DSP function library for C programmers. It includes C-callable, general-purpose signal-processing routines that are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications. With these routines, higher (...)

C6204 GHK IBIS Model (Rev. A)

TI has partnered with companies to offer a wide range of software, tools, and SOMs using TI processors to accelerate your path to production. Download this search tool to quickly browse our third-party solutions and find the right third-party to meet your needs. The software, tools and modules (...)
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