TI哪些型号被关注? TI热门产品型号
  • 制造厂商:TI
  • 产品类别:电源管理
  • 技术类目:电源开关 - 电子保险丝和热插拔控制器
  • 功能描述:3V 至 20V、30mΩ、1A 至 5A 电子保险丝
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The TPS2420 device provides highly integrated load protection for applications up to 20-V. The maximum UV turn-on threshold of 2.9 V makes the TPS2420 well suited to standard bus voltages as low as 3.3 V. The TPS2420 device protects loads, minimizes inrush current, and safely shuts down in the event of a fault. The programmable fault current threshold starts the fault timer while allowing the current to pass to the load uninhibited. The programmable current limit threshold sets the maximum current allowed into the load, for both inrush and severe load faults. Both events use the programmable timer which inhibits all current to the load when it expires.

The dual protection thresholds are useful in applications such as disk drives. The start-up and seek currents are typically higher than the nominal current and during this time the load needs a low impedance path to deliver the power. If a failure at the load occurs, the current limit does not allow the current to exceed the programmed threshold. This protects both the load and the integrity of the power supply. The internal MOSFET is protected by power limit circuitry which ensures that the MOSFET remains within its safe operating area (SOA) during all operating states.

The TPS2420 device also allows the system to monitor load currents with no need for a shunt in the power path. The gain of the current monitor can be scaled to the application. Fault and power good outputs are provided for improved system management and sequencing control.

This device can be programmed to either latch-off or retry in the event of a fault. All of this functionality is packed into a 16-pin 4 × 4 mm QFN package.

  • Integrated 30-mΩ Pass MOSFET
  • Up to 20-V Bus Operation
  • Programmable Fault Current
  • Programmable Hard Current-Limit
  • Programmable Fault Timer
  • Internal MOSFET Power Limiting Foldback
  • Latching and Auto-Retry Operation
  • Analog Current Monitor Output
  • Powergood Output
  • Fault Output Indicator
  • 4 mm × 4 mm QFN
  • –40°C to 125°C Junction Temperature Range
  • UL2367 Recognized - File Number E169910
  • FET
  • Internal
  • Ron (Typ) (mOhm)
  • 30
  • Vin (Min) (V)
  • 3
  • Vin (Max) (V)
  • 20
  • Vabsmax_cont (V)
  • 25
  • Current limit (Min) (A)
  • 1
  • Current limit (Max) (A)
  • 5
  • Overcurrent response
  • Circuit breaker, Current limiting
  • Fault response
  • Auto-retry, Latch-off
  • UL recognition
  • UL2367


TPS2420RSAR,工作温度:-40 to 125,封装:QFN (RSA)-16,包装数量MPQ:3000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-2-260C-1 YEAR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网TPS2420RSAR的批量USD价格:1.001(1000+)

TPS2420RSAT,工作温度:-40 to 125,封装:QFN (RSA)-16,包装数量MPQ:250个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-2-260C-1 YEAR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网TPS2420RSAT的批量USD价格:1.32(1000+)


TPS2420EVM-01 — TPS2420 热插拔控制器评估模块

TPS2420EVM-01 是使用带有集成式 MOSFET 的 TPS2420 热插拔控制器的 3V 至 18V 模块。接通电源时,输出功率受限,从而控制浪涌电流并保护 MOSFET。在发生过流的情况下,控制器将快速中断负载的供电,继而发出表明负载状态的信号。工作电流、故障电流和故障计时器设置均可通过硬件编程实现。

TPS2420 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model Package (Rev. A)

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