- 制造厂商:TI
- 产品类别:电源管理
- 技术类目:直流/直流开关稳压器 - 降压稳压器
- 功能描述:宽输入非同步降压直流/直流控制器
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The TPS40200 is a flexible, non-synchronous controller with a built-in 200-mA driver for P-channel FETs. The circuit operates with inputs up to 52 V with a power-saving feature that turns off driver current once the external FET has been fully turned on. This feature extends the flexibility of the device, allowing it to operate with an input voltage up to 52 V without dissipating excessive power. The circuit operates with voltage-mode feedback and has feed-forward input voltage compensation that responds instantly to input voltage change. The integral 700-mV reference is trimmed to 2%, providing the means to accurately control low voltages. The TPS40200 is available in an 8-pin SOIC and an 8-pin VSON package and supports many of the features of more complex controllers. Clock frequency, soft-start, and overcurrent limits are each easily programmed by a single, external component. The part has undervoltage lockout, and can be easily synchronized to other controllers or a system clock to satisfy sequencing and/or noise-reduction requirements.
- Input Voltage Range 4.5 V to 52 V
- Output Voltage (700 mV to 90% VIN)
- 200-mA Internal P-channel FET Driver
- Voltage Feed-Forward Compensation
- Undervoltage Lockout
- Programmable Fixed-Frequency (between 35 kHz and 500 kHz) Operation
- Programmable Short-Circuit Protection
- Hiccup Overcurrent Fault Recovery
- Programmable Closed-Loop Soft-Start
- 700 mV 1% Reference Voltage
- External Synchronization
- Small 8-Pin SOIC (D) and VSON (DRB) Packages
- Vin (Min) (V)
- 4.5
- Vin (Max) (V)
- 52
- Vout (Min) (V)
- 0.7
- Vout (Max) (V)
- 46
- Iout (Max) (A)
- 3
- Iq (Typ) (uA)
- 1500
- Switching frequency (Min) (kHz)
- 35
- Switching frequency (Max) (kHz)
- 500
- Features
- Frequency Synchronization
- Regulated outputs (#)
- 1
- Number of phases
- 1
- Rating
- Catalog
TPS40200D,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:SOIC (D)-8,包装数量MPQ:75个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网TPS40200D的批量USD价格:0.848(1000+)
TPS40200DR,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:SOIC (D)-8,包装数量MPQ:2500个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网TPS40200DR的批量USD价格:0.712(1000+)
TPS40200DRBR,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:SON (DRB)-8,包装数量MPQ:3000个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-2-260C-1 YEAR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网TPS40200DRBR的批量USD价格:0.712(1000+)
TPS40200DRBT,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:SON (DRB)-8,包装数量MPQ:250个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-2-260C-1 YEAR,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网TPS40200DRBT的批量USD价格:0.848(1000+)
TPS40200GDR,工作温度:-40 to 85,封装:SOIC (D)-8,包装数量MPQ:2500个,MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度:Level-1-260C-UNLIM,引脚镀层/焊球材料:NIPDAU,TI官网TPS40200GDR的批量USD价格:0.712(1000+)

TPS40200EVM-001 — TPS40200 12V 输入、3.3V 输出、2.5A 评估模块
TPS40200EVM-001 is designed to operate with an 8V to 16V input and to produce a regulated 3.3V output with a load current from 0.125A to 2.5A. The TPS40200EVM-001 demonstrates the use of the TPS40200 in a typical buck converter application. The board sacrifices some (...)
TPS40200EVM-002 — TPS40200 Evaluation Module for a 24V Input
The TPS40200EVM-002 evaluation module (EVM) uses the TPS40200 non-synchronous buck controller to provide a resistor selected 3.3V output voltage that delivers up to 2.5A from a 24V input bus. The EVM operates from a single supply and uses a single P-channel power FET and Schottky (...)
LAUNCHXL-F28027 — C2000 Piccolo MCU F28027 LaunchPad 开发套件
Step 1: Buy the C2000 MCU F28027 LaunchPad
Step 2: Step 2: Follow the get started section
LAUNCHXL-F28027 is a low cost evaluation and development tool for the F2802x series in the TI MCU LaunchPad ecosystem which is compatible with various plug-on BoosterPacks. The LaunchPad provides a (...)
TPS40200 TINA-TI AC Analysis Reference Design (Rev. D)
PSpice for TI 可提供帮助评估模拟电路功能的设计和仿真环境。此功能齐全的设计和仿真套件使用 Cadence 的模拟分析引擎。PSpice for TI 可免费使用,包括业内超大的模型库之一,涵盖我们的模拟和电源产品系列以及精选的模拟行为模型。借助?PSpice for TI 的设计和仿真环境及其内置的模型库,您可对复杂的混合信号设计进行仿真。创建完整的终端设备设计和原型解决方案,然后再进行布局和制造,可缩短产品上市时间并降低开发成本。
在?PSpice for TI 设计和仿真工具中,您可以搜索 TI (...)
Type III Compensation Calculation Tool (Rev. E)
此通用降压转换器参考设计将电压模式降压转换器与小巧的板载电子器件负载相结合,演示频域内小信号分析(=网络分析)与时域内大信号分析(=瞬态响应)之间的关系。交叉频率为 20kHz+ 时,环路带宽得到最大限度的压缩。将此转换器设计用于大规模生产时,建议在交叉频率为 15kHz 时使用具有安全增益裕量的补偿值。在此设计中,环路带宽已用尽,以测试计量设备的波特函数,演示漏极抖动(=次谐波噪声)对功率完整性的影响。PMP7154 — TPS40200 通用非同步降压转换器参考设计
This reference design operates over an 8V - 16V input range and delivers 5V @ 1A at the output. This design is content from the presentation material of the TI Power Workshop. This design has been built and tested and the design files and test report are included. This is a good low cost design (...)PMP7207 — TPS40200 通用反向降压/升压参考设计
The PMP7207 reference design operates over an 8V - 16V input range and delivers -12V @ 1A at the output. This design is content from the presentation material of the TI Power Workshop.PMP7156 — 参考设计 - 通过降压转换器实现双开关降压/升压
此参考设计提供一种解决方案让您通过降压控制器构建适用于小型负载的双开关降压升压转换器。8V 至 16V 的输入电压可转换为 12V 输出电压(负载为 1A)。PMP10074 — 参考设计 - 低噪声 ZETA 拓扑实现 6V-22V 输入至 11V/500mA 转换
这种小型的 ZETA 转换器接受 6V 至 32V 的输入电压范围。由于采用 ZETA 拓扑结构,它能够将输出电压稳定至 11V,而这一电压在输入电压范围内。此外还可采用 SEPIC 转换器,但会带来更高的输出纹波电压。PMP10070 — 适用于敏感型负载的电源(输入电压可低于、等于或高于输出电压)
此参考设计基于 ZETA 拓扑,具有极低的输出波纹。8V 至 16V 的输入电压可产生 12V 输出电压(负载为 1.5A)。TIDM-LPBP-LEDDRIVER — 实时数字 LED 控制
实时数字 LED 控制参考设计可演示用于驱动三个 LED(红、蓝和绿)灯串的三个升压转换器的控制。此设计允许使用各种 LED 的实时数字控制进行开发,是所有需要实时 LED 控制的工业或汽车应用的理想选择。PMP4629 — Non sync buck 4.3V@3A
此参考设计支持使用 TPS40200-Q1 为安全跟踪器供电,可允许 8V-50V 的宽输入电压范围。由于采用非同步降压控制器,因此其输出可处理 4.3V,最高为 3A。此参考设计由于采用该器件提供简单配置,因此设计十分灵活。